我17歲 看遠驗到75遠視25散光 看近則有200遠視25散光 其實成因是甚麼?17歲老花?看遠只有75度遠視需要配戴眼鏡嗎?


  • 遠視是眼睛所見到的影像對焦在眼視網膜的後面,多是由於眼球過細(視軸過短)引起。零至6歲的兒童通常都會有輕微遠視,這類遠視一般會隨眼球成長而自然矯正。但患深遠視的兒童(超過300度)由於經常要大幅度調節焦點看近距離的事物,如看書或電腦,容易感到眼睛疲勞而對焦不清。遠視可按個別需要,透過配戴凸透鏡,矯正視力。
  • 老花是由於眼球內的捷狀肌及晶狀體隨年紀老化、變硬,失去原有的彈性及調節力,以致在看近物如看書、看報紙時,對焦會感到吃力或模糊。老花大多於40歲時開始出現,至60歲後度數便會逐漸穩定下來。老花可透過單光鏡片、雙光鏡片或漸進鏡片來改善視力。


《Classroom – 醫療保健》我的小朋友分別到顏色嗎?

(Chinese Version Only)

一般家長難以察覺孩子是否有顏色問題,眼科視光師一般最常用的是石原氏色板檢查 (Ishihara test),顏色卡上的數目字並非每個人都可看得見。我們能夠分辨顏色, 是因為眼睛的視網膜有三種顏色感光細胞,分別為紅色、綠色和藍色。視覺神經把信息傳送到大腦分析,經過這三個細胞混合,便可看見白光。如果視網膜細胞有缺損,或信息傳送系統出現問題,便會影響分辨顏色的能力。很多人經常混淆色盲和色弱。色盲較為罕有,患者只能看見黑白深淺之分。色弱是常見的視覺問題,男性患病百分比約8%,女性約0.5%。色弱是指患者不能辨別某些顔色,當中紅色弱、綠色弱最為普遍。色弱多屬遺傳,影響雙眼。如果由受傷或疾病引起的,一般只會影響單眼。


PolyVision x Hang Seng Bank M.I. Kid Assetbuilder Account “I Promise to Love My Eyes” Ruler Coloring & Video Snapshot Competition For All Kindergarten and Primary School Children

Love your eyes since childhood.

To encourage school children to develop good habits of eye care and have regular eye exams, PolyVision invites parents and children to create an “I Promise to Love My Eyes” Ruler, write a script and make a 10 second short video to compete for the”I Love My Eyes and M.I. Kid” reward!

Enrollment Method (Free of Charge):

  1. Obtain an “I Promise to Love My Eyes” Ruler at one of the PolyVision Eyecare Centres (or via consented school distribution; limited quantity, first-come-first-served)
  2. Color the ruler and post it on an eye-catching area at home
  3. Write a script of your promise to good eye-caring (for example: I love my eyes, I will check my eyes regularly… / I love my eyes, I will watch TV from a far distance…)
  4. Take a short video of no more than 10 seconds for the children in front of the ruler
  5. Submit the video via WhatsApp to 6390 9660
  6. Verify and confirm the parent consent form via WhatsApp
  7. Shortlisted videos will be published on PolyVision’s official Facebook fan page and awarded with the “I Love My Eyes and M.I. Kid AssetBuilder” reward

Enrollment Deadline: 30 June 2019 The first 100 successful enrollment will receive a PolyVision “Comprehensive Eye Examination” (valued at HKD450@)

“I Love My Eyes and M.I. Kid AssetBuilder” Reward: (Quota: 365 persons)

  • Shortlisted videos will be published on PolyVision’s official facebook fan page
  • Cash Reward HK$ 500 will be credited to each winner’s Hang Seng Bank M.I. Kid AssetBuilder account*
  • Each winner will be informed of the details on reward redemption on or before 15 July 2019

Hang Seng Bank M.I. Kid AssetBuilder

Plan for children’s future at the beginning of the year. M.I Kid AssetBuilder Account helps kids develop savings habit and concept of financial management, and enjoy year-round offer from PolyVision. For details, please browse www.hangseng.com/saving

*Winner are required to successfully open Hang Seng Bank M.I. Kid AssetBuilder Account and submit Reward Redemption Form by 30 September 2019

Please contact PolyVision for details and the terms and conditions www.polyvision.com.hk/campaign. In case of any disputes, PolyVision Reserves the rights of final decision.