Eye Floater treatment

The jelly-like substance filling the space between the crystalline lens and the retina is called “vitreous humour”. The vitreous humour degenerates and liquefies when we get older, at which time we start to see floaters. Floaters can be moving opacities of various shapes and sizes (dots, circles, lines or spider webs). Physiological floaters usually occur when we are looking at a bright homogenous background such as a white wall or the blue sky. The floating opacities are few in number and remain unchanged over time. They represent normal physiological changes of the vitreous humour. As we age, the vitreous humour undergoes the processes of synchysis (liquefying) and syneresis (dehydrating and shrinking). These are normal agerelated degenerations.

Pathological floaters appear suddenly and may occur in great numbers. They may suggest bleeding within the vitreous humour, inflammation of the uvea or separation of the posterior vitreous humour from the retina. If the floaters are accompanied by flashes or visual field defects, it may indicate retinal tear or retinal detachment. When the vitreous humour contracts and detaches from the retina, it is called acute posterior vitreous detachment (acute PVD), at which time sudden onset of floaters and flashes occur. Floaters can be caused by vitreous opacities or haemorrhages, whereas flashes are caused by the vitreous humour pulling on the retina. An urgent dilated eye examination is essential to check for retinal tears, which should be repaired with laser as soon as possible, to prevent it from evolving into retinal detachment within a few hours.



你好, 我最近一星期发觉眨眼既时候, 系张大眼既瞬间左眼睇到黑影, 呢个情况比较明显, 尤其系未习惯光线既时候, 例如岩岩起床开灯既时候, 我既一对眼系两三个星期前做过详细既眼部检查, 其中包括散瞳. 报告表示, 我既眼睛无检查到有眼前, 同眼底问题. 我本身度数200以下, 散光100以下. 我想问有无可能系, 眼科检查完之後突然出现既严重问题? 我好担心呢个问题, 希望唔会阻到专业人士太多时间








我仔仔两歳近期成日捽眼…佢话只眼好痕~~想知咩原因? 同可以点帮佢
