
本人兒子4歲半, 左眼遠視100度, 右眼375度. 9月7日開始帶眼鏡, 9月18日往俬家眼科覆診, 醫生說兒子帶眼鏡後的視力仍不理想 (只能看到第二大size的字), 寫信建議去政府照腦電波. 而9月17日兒子亦有去政府眼科進行眼底掃描. 視光師只肯透露”有d 腫”, 叫我9月27日覆診由醫生解釋. 我好擔心, 俬家眼科都驗不出兒子眼睛問題, 竟要照腦電波, 看視力與腦電波出現問題. 她提及這種情況好罕有. 請提供寶貴意見. 貴中心是否收過這種case?


If your son is suffering from refractive amblyopia, usually, the vision cannot be improved in 11 days after wearing the eyeglasses. Treatment of Amblyopia needs several months, some cases may also needs occlusion therapy.

However, the case of unexplainable amblyopia, will need to assess whether there is any problem in transmitting the retinal signal from the eye to the brain, electroretinography is sometimes useful to identify the problem. But you mention retinal scanning is another assessment, it should be an Optical Coherent Tomography, to assess the features of macular region. This test is to find out if there is any macular edema or abnormality.

Our centre does not provide ERG or OCT assessment, please wait for the appointment with the eye doctor in Government clinic.